

Welcome to my new page

I will be adding to my blog a collection of prayers gathered from around the world, from all different religions.  Originally I thought I could collect them all here, but I need more technology to figure out how to do that.  They will appear on my home page randomly, or exactly at the right time, depending on your emotional state at the time they appear.  wink, wink.

I am pretty hard to pin down as far as what "religion" I am.  I was raised as a young child in a Southern Baptist Church.  My mother was a Methodist.  Throughout my life I have been blessed enough to attend Catholic, Christian, Assembly of God, and Pentecostal churches.  Some had excellent sermons.  Some had excellent music.  Some had excellent rituals.  They were all different and yet all someway the same.  They all had God and people who loved Him.

Believe it or not, I almost became a Philosophy Major in college. 

I have always been interested in prayers, and how they may have changed throughout the years.  I have kind of collected them.  It started when I would run across one in a book, and then look up the reference and discover many really wonderful prayers.

Throughout my life, I have been struck by their beauty, and at times have found that if you know a prayer by heart, you can say it when you can't find the words to pray to God as if you were having a conversation.  Sometimes there are no words.  The good news is, God already knows.  You don't even need words.  Prayer is tool that you can use.  It can almost be a way of meditation to put you into a place or frame of mind where you can get calm enough to feel God's presence.  Prayer can be a way of keeping you focused, but calm.

I have always been particularly jealous of the Catholic religion because they have so many prayers.  (Also, the Saturday night service option).  Many of the prayers you will find here will come from there.  I also have found great comfort in prayers to Mary, or the female part of God. 

I believe that whatever religion you belong to, when you pray sincerely, God always hears, whatever name you use.

I will probably Title each post with the title of the prayer to make it easier to look them up later.

If you know one that you would like to see posted, feel free to send it to me or I can link it, or you could become a guest poster!!  I don't have any prizes to give away, but I will glad give you a share of the $2.41 I have made from this blog so far.  And I think that is kind of fitting, being as it's sharing prayers and all, don't you?  Sharing prayers should be it's own reward.  I have a good feeling about it, anyway.

So, since it took me all afternoon to figure out how to finally actually add a page to my blog, I will see about figuring out exactly how to do that. 

Enjoy.  Relax.  Read a prayer.

This is a Catholic Prayer that is especially easy to remember for children.  Very comforting at any age, provided you never quit believing in your guardian Angel.  Because there is one that is just for you and with you all the time.  I choose to believe.

Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, my guardian dear,
To Whom God's love
commits me here
Ever this day, be at my side
To light and guard and rule and guide
