Is Science Saturated with Sexism? - Christina Hoff Sommers - National Review Online
Did you see this? It turns out, and I quote, "the real problem most women scientists confront is the challenge of combining motherhood with a high-powered science career. This issue, they say, will never be solved by the “misplaced focus on discrimination.”
This, despite trumped up "evidence" of discrimination and many, many retreats, seminars, etc. supposedly dedicated to the study of said discrimination, and paid for by our tax dollars.
Thanks affirmative action! (waves, resignedly)
Time to get real yet?
Motherhood really is important. No doubt someone is trying to get funding to do a study to prove it right now. But wait! People with brains already know that. Oh......
Stop goverment funding of crap like this. If people want to spend their time chasing their tails, more power to them, provided they pay for it themselves. That's where I stand.