This is a post to welcome a new blog to the land and to my blog list.
Please check out my dear friend's new blog at
She has been a beacon throughout my entire adult life. She was my first boss, and remains one of my idols.
I don't even know who I would be without her.
After not talking for years, as mother's tend to do when their babies are "growing out from under them" (her words, spoken circa 2004 or thereabouts), I called her up out of the blue and the depths of a depression that was just seeming to lift.
I was astounded to learn that she had
1) retired (WHAT?!)
2) survived breast cancer (WHAT????!!!!!)
3) felt called by God to do something more for Him than running production facilities, so she became a part time minister at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Moberly. (OH!)
She's that kind of woman. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.....there is simply nothing that she can't handle. She is human, though, and now ready to broadcast her awesomeness to the world. At least the parts that have the internets.
Needless to say, we had a lot to catch up on.
She's 10 feet tall and bullet proof, in my opinion. She will deny this. It's part of her awesomeness!
Her husband's just as good and I have loved her boys since they were practically babies! SOB!
Can't wait to see what she does next! Check her out and get in on all the good stuff!