I hope you had a great mother's day! I have spent the entire weekend going through and making piles. A lot of stuff got pitched.
But I made progress and watched old movies. I have yet to take a shower today, but it's been a great day.
I think we have unrealistic expectations of what make great days.
Or maybe that's just me.
If that made you think, it might be you too.
Plastic up and ready to scrape the ceilings in the kitchen.
Though my house looks like this and I'm going to have to put the coffee pot in my bedroom for the foreseeable future.......despite the fact that my sugar and flour and CDs are packed into a tub with some plastic plates and cups..........I had a great day.
I worked, which has been hard on me but good for me.
I got my house in order, so to speak.
And I listened to some of my favorite mellow songs in the world.
I sang. Jack sang too.
And it occurred to me that I have a sweet life, all things considered.
I am grateful for it.
So here is one of my favorite songs, going out to my own Rock Star and Rockette, during this lovely time in their sweet life.
I am putting it here because I know they will see it in time to dance in their own house that is sweetly and phenomenally prepared for our Charli-girl. Before things get........hectic.
Consciously make a lovely memory to remember always.
Count your blessings.
Listen to your mother.
This one's on your old mom, who *may* be the world's leading DJ when it comes to soft rock love songs.
Nobody ever did it better than Paul Davis. Nobody.