This means one thing to children: snow ice cream!
I wish I had video of this but I am still drinking coffee and have yet to turn on my phone. In letting the dogs out I noticed that under the pecan tree there were a couple of birds actually dipping their heads under the snow and eating pecans. While I watched, I realized there were also 4 squirrels out there who were not showing unless they raised their heads up, which they were doing at odd intervals.
This made my backyard look like a bizarre game of Whack-A-Mole! Bahahahahahahaha!!!!!
I will be running the oven again today to help keep the house warm. I find that when I cook now, I cook a lot, when I can and put lots of it in the freezer. This way I can just take out something every morning and not have to worry about supper. You should try it!
May you be warm and cozy in your own home today, and keep an eye out for the squirrels. You don't get to see that kind of entertainment every day.
Good riddance, 2013, and may God be with us in the coming year.